Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology

Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology

Forensic anthropology and archaeology are two fields that are closely related and have become increasingly important in the modern world. These fields are concerned with the analysis of human remains.  Although these two fields are somewhat distinct, they share many similarities and often work together to provide a more complete picture of the past.
Forensic anthropology focuses on the study of human remains for the purposes of identifying them and determining the cause of their death. This is an incredibly important field, as it allows investigators to uncover important information about crimes or accidents that have occurred. Forensic anthropology may involve the study of bones, teeth, or other remains, and may also involve the analysis of DNA samples. In order to be successful in this field, experts must have a strong background in human anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Archaeology, on the other hand, is focused on the study of human cultures and societies through their material remains. Although archaeologists may work with human remains, their primary focus is on artefacts, architecture, and other evidence of human activity. This can include everything from ancient pottery fragments to the ruins of entire cities. Archaeologists use a variety of methods, such as excavation and survey, to uncover and interpret these remains.
Despite their different focuses, forensic anthropology and archaeology are highly complementary fields. For example, archaeologists may discover a burial site that contains human remains, but may not be equipped to identify the age or sex of the individuals or determine the cause of death. Forensic anthropologists can provide this information, helping to shed light on the lives of the people who were buried there. Conversely, forensic anthropologists may be called upon to investigate a modern crime scene, but may lack the broader historical and cultural context that archaeologists can provide.

Overall, forensic anthropology and archaeology are fascinating and important fields that allow us to better understand the human past, and that is why  East Coast Heritage and Archaeology, we are trained in the most advanced and latest techniques from Flinders University, in relation to archaeology and forensic anthropology. . We have the skills and knowledge to locate, identify, and recover human remains, determine if the bones are from human or animal, and have an understanding of the biological and cultural information recorded in the human skeleton, including age, sex, geographic origin, and behavioural attributes. For further information on how we can assist you, contact us today.

Forensic Anthropology